Earn legitimate, positive reviews of your business the easy way.



When searching for local businesses, 70% of people try searching online first (1)


45% of consumers don't have a business in mind when conducting a local search (2)


61% of consumers consider ratings and reviews an important factor in selecting a business (3)


In general, businesses with more reviews appear at the top of search results in Google, Bing, Yelp, etc.

Build up positive ratings and reviews of your business on these sites and more...

We'll create Review Cards specially made for your business to get positive reviews.

These custom Review Cards will have a QR code that can be scanned with smart phones, which will send the user to a web page where they can leave a review. If they don't have a smart phone, they can go to the website once they get home and leave a review. The front side will take them to Google and the back side will take them to Yelp (or other, depending on your business category). This method is sure to get results, because your customers can post reviews on the fly using their smart phone, or they will have the card to remind them to do it later.


Want to stack the deck in your favor??


Only give these cards to customers who seemed to have a pleasant experience with you. After a few months, you will see some positive reviews posted and more customers will discover you as a result of those positive reviews.  This is the best way to improve your business's reputation online.


If you don't use Review Cards, your business will still be reviewed eventually, but those natural reviews will have a higher chance of being negative. A few negative reviews can severely cripple a business. It's best to build up as many positive reviews as possible so that when the negative reviews are posted, they won't be devastating to your business.

It's probably the easiest, cheapest thing you can do to get more customers!

When you ask customers to review your business online


Review Cards:


they SAY they will, but later forget to or don't put in the effort


they might have trouble finding your business on Google/Yelp/etc.


they might not know how to find the spot to leave a review



When you ask customers to review your business online


Review Cards in their hands:


smart phone users can scan the code and leave a review right away


all others will have the card to remind them to post a review later


they don't have to search for your business, since the QR code and the shortened url take them directly to the web page where they can leave a review


if posting a review is tricky, instructions are printed on the Review Cards to aid the user




Review Cards have printing on the front and back, so each set of cards will direct customers to two review sites. So, if you want to earn reviews on four review sites, order two sets of cards.

ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS: Make sure to indicate which two review sites you would like on your cards. If you do not indicate, Google and Yelp will be used as the default. You can choose from: Google, Facebook, Yelp, Yahoo, Trip Advisor, Four Square, SuperPages.com, YellowPages.com, yellowbook.com, and BBB. Please allow 11 business days for delivery.


(shipping not included)

100 - $36

250 - $73

500 - $80

1,000 - $89

2,000 - $104

3,000 - $120

4,000 - $136

5,000 - $152

6,000 - $168

10,000 - $228


(shipping not included)

100 - $29

250 - $46

500 - $52

1,000 - $59

2,000 - $73

3,000 - $87

4,000 - $101

5,000 - $116

6,000 - $130

10,000 - $184


(14 pt glossy cardstock)

Submitting Form...

The server encountered an error.

Form received. We will email you the invoice shortly.


(14 pt glossy cardstock)

Submitting Form...

The server encountered an error.

Form received. We will email you the invoice shortly.

WARNING: It is illegal for businesses to engage in fraudulent review activity of their own businesses or competitors' businesses. It is also illegal for businesses to offer incentives or discounts in exchange for customer reviews. Review Cards should be handed out to customers with the understanding that customers are under no obligation to review businesses and it is entirely at their own discretion.

1. “15Miles/comScore Local Search Usage Study” (powerpoint presentation 2010). http://www.localsearchstudy.com/presentation/15milesLocalSearchStudy-2010.pdf.

2. TMP Directional Marketing/15miles and comScore, “Local Search Usage Study, Q3 2010”. http://www.gmslocal.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/GroupM-Search-TMPDM-Local-Search-Usage-Study-2010.pdf.

3. 15miles/Localeze and comScore, “5th Annual 15miles/Localeze Local Search Usage Study”. http://www.localsearchstudy.com/Local%20Search%20Study%202012.pdf.


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